vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011


It was November, last year if I recall well and I was off to south Wales for a couple of know...that kind of feeling when you really want to detach yourself from the small city life and enjoy bits and pieces of places you never been before.
It was 5:45 AM and I was just about to finish my 3rd Marlboro fag. Didn't smoke in ages but that morning for some reason I felt like doing so.Could feel the tobacco fragrance piercing into my lungs and then its up climbing warmth scraching my throat, being exhaled at the very end like a long grey line of ash.
Empty streets.
Had a blast the night before and I had almost forgotten all the essential things that had happened.I was asking if I was sober.Yes, I was. Didn't drink much. Ok, maybe a stout or two...but that ain't much.Not when you're 22...because "none of us would fail in this life, not when you're young".HAHAHA
Was still singing the Take That tune with the headphones pleasing my ears...but something was far from normal.
Head wasn't aching, but my kidneys were hurting me a bitch. No paracetamol in my left pocket.'the fuck I put it?I could sworn I put 3 pills in my pocket 4 days ago just before leaving the small city where I live.
Felt like puking...f*ck...was still too early to go to the train station, but that was too far, man.Everything was so far that morning.
 Then I remembered that a young lady was peeing in the middle of the street just a night before and was still envisaging her cheeks turning red when I asked her why doing it?

"Because I am pregnant", she said. And I LOL'd just a few steps behind her.

Was rude.

I looked above and saw the rolling seagulls making those specific noises that one cannot label them as disturbing or not.You cannot decide...that's why i love the sound.Because it makes you question and it gives you that "donno if I love it or not but fuck I find it nice" kind of feeling.

And yeah, today I heard the seagulls rolling up above once again.

And I remembered how much I miss Cardiff.

But the kidneys didn't hurt anymore .

Pain was gone.

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011

Sometimes you wish you would you had...the balls

Yeah, that's what you're being telling yourself on a regular basis but at the end of the day you realize all on a sudden that you never had the guts to do so...
Nor did I...neither did them, the others...those you're still afraid of.Although you are pretty convinced "the others" won't bite you cuz you're a grown man now, you're still afraid.Is it normal?You've been living with an inner terror every now and then.Don't try to justify your darn stupid behaviour.I'm good at reading folks and can read you as quickly as a blink of an eye.

People don't bite.
People won't approach you unless you give them a fair amount of signs to do so.
People don't care but they can learn all the most important things about self reliance and all those odds and ends.
People are victims and so are you.Assume it.Live with it.In the long run, it's your own Hell, isn't it?!
But wait a minute...why this need to overthink everything to the point you're somehow ready to proclaim yourself a martyr of your epoch and at that magic point yo're expecting the others to erect a white marble statue and maybe start to worship it afterwards?Wouldn't that be just sweet?
You know what, doc?It seems to me like drama doesen't sell very good nowadays.So, would you kindly fuck off?Would you?Huh?

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

Hey ho

For some reason, I find bit weird to wake up early in the morning and start brush my teeth whilst my effing gums are bursting in a warm jet of blood.Damn nasty!But in the same time I find it darn releasing as I feel as if a huge amount of unnecessary "stuff"(soz, but I cannot find a proper word to best fit in this case, eh?) falls apart.Beside this aspect, I think mornings are cute in a very particular way, thinking of the whole way from your bed down to the frigging cold bathroom.
Anyway, unlike most folks who really hate Mondays, I really fancy Monday early mornings...especially when you can find the pleasure of a hot shower(+additional wanking or not, depends on the mood) after the entire annoying odissey from your room to the bathroom.Well, if you're after Xanax you'd best start to get rid of the whole tension which had taken you over.
Rediscovered my passion for little nothings, I ooze inspiration when it comes to writing and hell yeah, my beloved Marlboros are back in stayul!

joi, 16 iunie 2011

Drench me in unholy water

For all those crappy moments when I had to swallow unwanted words, leaking horendously shallow down my throat, for all those moments I shall spit out the sin.

I have never came to a conclusion whether if it's the sin which enslaves us or whether it's us who enslave the sin as many times we just keep on being caught in our own deluge, smoking wee and hunting high the crows on the October sky.
Dublin, 06:00 AM, february

Now i look back to all which was forth and I realize how little do I recall...nor the precious little boy I used to be once, neither the young man who lives within his own future.Somewhere in th presnt we all have bee lost, fella.
Yeh, we have been so.
Bring me back to Connemara and soak my shirt in whiskey, let me burn in 4 seconds, whisper trashy words next to my pierced ear and drench me in unholy water.I know you would enjoy all these odds and ends.

How green were the fields of Connemara...

vineri, 20 mai 2011

From Danube Delta, with blood.

Hello, everyone.

Howdy stranger, what you are about to read is not quite a fairytale, but a harsh reality reflected through a horrible spectrum.What you are about to find out will not make your evening more entertaining, but will aware you of the fact that crime does exist.And it is not uncommon in nowadays society to speak about criminality as if it is a regular issue.It is not uncommon either to pretend we love animals, that we protect them and above all, we treat them as we would like to be treated, as our equals.

But is it the real case scenario?Do we really care about animals?Do we really love them the way we pretend to be loved?How far would we go if one day we find out on the internet that in some place in this darn big world, some creatures are forced to endure ordeals beyond any human way of understanding?How could we make justice and by which means?Is slaughter and torture the way we, the almighty sensible creatures expess our love and care towards the other living forms?

These are just a few questions which might randomly strike your mind if one day, all on a sudden, you find some tragic images depicting wild animals enduring great pains, beyond any morale.

Two days ago, i was enjoying my 3 o clock coffee, when i got an invitation on facebook, letting me know the last wild horses in Europe, to be more specific, those from Danube Delta, Letea Forest(Romania) have been caught, stabbed and slaughtered and injured by the locals, being kept in very poor conditions, facing starvation and dehydration.

The video bellow will help you to envisage the way the wild horses use to live in their natural habitat.

Wild horses roaming free in Letea Forest

71 wild horses have been kept for more than one week in miserable conditions, being exposed to both physical abuse and psychological stress.

Maybe you wonder now what is the purpose of this horrible ordeal the animals had and unfortunatelly they still have to pass through.

Well, in some parts of Romania, mainly in iolatd countryside areas such as Letea Forest, people still live in the dark ages, thinking that anything could be sold, any living creature could be killed, any human value could be lost.The locals of Letea injured the animals without assuming they are slaughtering endemic creatures which cannot be found in any other part of Europe.They caught the wild horses in order to sell them to an abattoir from Oradea(western Romania) for less than £20 each.From there, the meat will be transported to countries like Italy, France or Belgium and each kilo would cost no more than 3 euro.

A wild horse could be bought for no more and no less than £19.

Its future?Salami and sausages in the Italian, French and Belgian butcheries as delicatessen.

The wild horses of the Danube Delta are a true natural wonder and a priceless national heritage which attracted and fascinated tourists throughout the years.In 2010, The Guardian wrote about the charm and amazing grace these wild creatures have.They were roaming free the lands and the surounding marshlands.
They were free and they did not whitness no bareer, a true symbol of freedom and grace.

Now they face an undeserved death.In the last 48h, people from all over the country signed a petition, asking for help from both national and international non governamental organisations which get involved in the protection of wildlife species and environment.

The local authorities from Tulcea County, where the Danube Delta is situated are very corrupted and their man interest is to earn as much money as they can.Their greed and lust for money know no boundaries.They are the ones who are held responsible for the slaughter of the 71 wild horses of the Letea Forest and therefore, their hands are painted with blood.

We ask you, howdy stranger, who had the patience to read this article, to get involved in our fight against animal slaughter and abuse, against degradation of human values and above all, against CRIME!We ask for justice and we stand our cause so that these magnificent creatures, the last wild horses of Europe have the right to live!

Do spread this message and pass it to all those who are against crime and animal slaughter!Let s make justice for the the last wild horses of Europe!Do not let them die so you could show to your own children these animals roaming free and ALIVE in 15 years time.The Danube Delta will still be there.The stillness of the wild horses is unfortunatelly uncertain.

From Danube Delta,
with blood

sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Souvenirs from Wonderland

City of Wonder

This post is dedicated to all those cool people i met in the City of Wonder

I spent last week in a wonderland called Sweden, you know, that far, far away kingdom of the North, where all the good things come from: Santa, the Moose, death metal bands, hot viking girls, Absolut Vodka, Volvo, Ikea, Abba and all the odds and ends in between.
Few are the places on Earth which look way better in reality than in pictures, because the frame is always biasing the reality, isn t it?And Sweden is amongst those places on Earth to be called Wonderland or Dreamland for an endless number of reasons.Could be the landscapes, could e the people, could be the aurora, could be the wild nights out, could be the dawn hungovers which are no longer a tabu, could be even the owls in the Christmas Trees.Haha.

Offtopic: That i love good music and i cook good pasta you already know, but what i didnt tell you yet is that i have an awkward weakness for the owls-the perfect mixture between Ara Macao and persian cats-, regardless their size, colour or shape.

I hearted Sweden and the Swedes from the very first step into this amazing world, oozing of living wonders.
I still can smell the odour of the streets, i kept somehow a certai mood deep inside since i returned to the small town where i live.
I feel free and blessed after months of searching for a glimpse of fresh air.And i found it.
Sometimes you do not need to search joy and freedom elsewhere but inside you.Try t get rid of selflessness and seldom and you will be culturally and spiritually uplifted, my friend.

Walked for hours in the woods, remembering the plot within Mr Murakami s "Norwegian Wood", and suddenly realized how little one knows about nature s perfection.

Blended with willingness and rising serotonine, i managed in the end to kill the grief which was sort of craping up inside for weeks.
You can overcome your own demons, unleashing them.They need to eat, they need to drink and to breathe just like you do, so no wonder they need to escape from your body at times.Set them free!Burn the final thoughts and free your spirit.
And maybe there is only me who thinks like this, but it is not due to my whimsical behaviour, but because of the human need to switch from a mood to another just like Mother Nature itself swings from a season to another.
So, what is so new so far?You tell me.As i told you previously, i am such a good listener.Haha

Tout a l heure.



Tree of life

What happens if tomorrow the roads we walk on end?What if tomorrow we will have way more powerful memories about yesterday than we ever had?
What would our life look like without music and exhilarating morning walks?
Life is about walking.Life is about trust.Trust en nous-meme.
Who knows what goes beyond the rainbow?Maybe there is the shelter of all our unconscious demons.They are free to roam wherever they want and perhaps they feel utterly blessed by a divine grace we still try to understand.
Take a walk my friend, in the woods and hug a tree this morning.And feel sorry for its veggie spirit.Feel its freshness and chew its wisdom.


vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

Hello, howdy stranger

Dear stranger,

Feel both welcomed and utterly spiritually uplifted.Because you are here, in my house, in my cabin, on my field.Because i am here with you, and we can share a cherry tobacco cigarette and eat some good pasta afterwards.
What it really matters is to be happy.

I am a foreigner.All my life i used to be a traveler and i very often regarded myself as one of the "gens de la rue", or commonly known as rolling stone people, those who do not need  nor sheler, neither roots...
I was born in the midst of the fields, i whitnessed the rise and the fall of humankind.I fell in love with love and fell from grace at times.

I walked lonely roads, i ran green fields, i have chosen a waggon to hitch to a certain star.

I live in England.You, know...somewhere westwards from continental Europe there is a tiny archipelago where it rains almost every day and Sun is something you can rarely see, but anyway it is hard not to fall in love with such a place.

Later edit: I live in the very heart of England, and every day i thank God i have the amazing opportunity to discover a new culture, new lifestyles, new states of mind, new faces.The town where i live is not crowded, but still enough so as sometimes, deep inside i am lured i am for some reason surounded by thousands and thousands of stories which worth being told.

I lived a fair part of my life in Italy, the boot alike land, where art, warm weather and rafined cuisine are local icons that i have taken with me when i left home.

If i owe so much to someone, there is for sure my Mother, my Father and the Bonsai Tree in my room, who is such a good listener and who knows all my inner thoughts.Therefore, i ought to thank them so much for educating and helping me whenever needed as i am very proud of the way i was brought up and i assume anyone of us is.

I owe so much to the roads, to the trains, to the starry skies, to the scars my both body and spirit are made of, to Devendra Banhart s guitar, to the early morning tea, to the firy vodka i drenched myself in, to the infinite libraries, to the night riding, to Lhasa de Sela s freedom, to the sound of cigarettes, to the grazed knees, to my boho way, to Kerouac s confusion, to nutella and the zen moments, to the perfection we find in everything.

I am the ordinary Joe anyone can see at every corner, but the one who mighty had fallen in a Raven night.I used to be a Tennessee lad who had fallen in love with a Kansas girl who milked the cows for a living.You know, just the ordinary unhappy ending life is about at some points.But there is no time for drama.There is no time for regret.

I am the sinner who will be waiting for Jesus, The Saviour with sweet corn in his left hand and who will bow to Him and will ask Him to forgive Me, Adam, the sinner.And we will eat sweet corn and Pasta of Emilia Romagna together.
Everytime i cook pasta i wait for the moment when Jesus will have a dinner with me.Not a Final Supper.

We dont do soups here, sorry.Only yum yum pasta and Lasagne Bolognese.And Jesus shall consider that.

Here in my blogroll you will discover some dear people i know and who envisage in a different way their perception upon life, art, roads and people.

Life is a Road.We are the Travelers, aint we?

You will be pleased to find out on this blog everything reated to: Arts, Travels, People, Cuisine, Concerts, Lifestyle, Thoughts, Going Places, Dear Friends, Escaping from the "Quotidien" and all the jazz in between.

Nevertheless, i will kindly ask you to have your say.

It is almost midnight and the night birds need to sleep right now...otherwise they will booze...

I am so happy to share some wisdom with you, folks and i hope so you are because in the long run, this is what life is all about.

Tout  a l heure, mecs.
